These codes are common and can really ruin a guy’s day. There is a tech bulletin addressing these codes naming the converter as the cause.
Here’s a graph of engine rpm as you drive it. You can see the ramp downwards as the TCC applies. The straight line at the bottom is where the RPM’s should stay as the TCC is applied. Then as I step into the throttle you can see the RPM’s increase indicating the TCC is slipping. After this happens a few times the code reoccurs.
Here’s why the converter slips. This is with the converter removed looking into it.
Here’s the replacement. Notice the seal is not broken and it’s a different material.
Removing these transmissions is no easy task for the DIYer.
Be sure to pull the pan and inspect for metal or clutch material. Break open the filter to make sure nothing is trapped in there indicating a failure.
After repairs your check engine light is off, your TCC is working again, and you can love your car again!
Here’s the graph after fixed.